i have a small question

//question is in main >>>

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Department {

private: int dno;


Department(int); int getDno();


class Emp {

private: double salary; Department dept;


Emp( double, int );

Department getDept();

int main()
Emp e1(2000,1)
//what to type here to access getDno() through e1??
return 0;
1. Please use code tags when posting code, to make it readable:


//what to type here to access getDno() through e1??

e1.getDept() returns an unnamed temporary Department object, and then getDno() gets called on that object.
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Just to point out what might be obvious...

The following functions have been declared but not defined. Each of these needs to have a body defining what they do. The implementations may be relatively trivial, but you must provide them.

int Department::getDno()
Emp:::Emp(double, int)
Department Emp::getDept();

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