I am having trouble with this problem. I am stuck.

 You will be using a data file called “christmas.dat”. To copy the data file to your directory, do

cp /export/home/public/may/christmas.dat christmas.dat

There will be one line for each elf. That line will contain the name of the elf and the number of

toys the elf made.

 You need to declare three arrays to store names, numbers, and ratings for the elves. Make sizes

of the arrays 50.

 Read from the file the name of each elf and number of toys made by the elf into your arrays.

You do not know how many elves there are, you only know there are less than 50, so you must

read until the end of file and count.

 Determine the rating for each elf based on the number made.

Toys Made Rating

500 or more *****

between 300 and 499 ***

between 200 and 299 *

under 200 -

The program should then print out

 the three arrays side by side in neat, labeled columns.

 the total number of toys made by the elves

 the number of elves who made more than 500 toy

 the name of the elf who made the most toys

 the name of the elf who made the least toys

Requirements for using functions

Each calculation should have a function of its own. NO output should be done in functions that

do calculations. Remember to always pass the number of elements in the array with the array to

functions. You should have at least the following four functions (you may choose different

function names):

o getTotalNumber

o getNumberOver500

o getNameMost

o getNameLeast



Elf Report:


Name Toys Made Rating


Smiley 662 *****

Curley 88 -

Clementine 335 ***

Jasper 105 -

Lucinda 775 *****

Brunhilda 103 -

Florence 441 ***

Oskar 820 *****

Snowflake 990 *****

Bernard 690 *****

Punch 298 *

Chuckie 10 -

Frosty 102 -

Snowman 311 ***

April 830 *****

Merry 299 *

Sunshine 331 ***

Buddy 1234 *****

Carol 271 *

Misty 111 -

Harold 52 -

Henry 292 *

Twinkle 308 ***

Starlight 703 *****

Burr 112 -

Angelica 444 ***

Bluenose 689 *****

Harry 254 *

Twinkle 259 *

Stardust 121 -

Greensleeves 453 ***

Noel 312 ***

Happy 209 *

Yukon 534 *****

Snowcap 190 -

Northpole 598 *****

Total toys made: 14336

There are 11 elves who made more than 500 toys.

Buddy made the most toys.

Chuckie made the least toys.
I am having trouble with this problem. I am stuck.

Stuck at what point? What have you done so far? How far have you got? Have you designed the program? Post your current code.
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