Singly linked list from Binary File

I have created code that can generates random numbers between 0 and 99, then converts them to Binary. I now have to create a singly-linked list with the nodes in the same order they were generated. When you are done close your file. Now you will call a function to print the list, and then call a function to delete the list. Confused into how. Here is my code:


using namespace std;

//define a link list building block, commonly called a node. When the list is created, next will hold the address of the next node in the list or it will be NULL
//if there are no more nodes. In this way, we can create a connectef chain of nodes called a linked list.
struct node
int number;
node* next;

int GetSize(int);
void DoWork(int);
int WriteData(int);
int ReadData(int);
int insertNode(int, node*);
void deleteList(node*);
void printList(node*);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
//checking to see if size was passed in through command line, just in case
if (argc == 2)
//we passed in number to represent the size of the data. Currently in char, we want to cast it to an int
int Size = atoi(argv[1]);

//see if data was passed in
if ((Size >= 20) && (Size <= 100))
//we have a valid size, process it

//if arg is not a valid number
//call getSize function to get the number from the user
int Size = 0;
Size = GetSize(Size);

//we have a valid size, process it

//if size was not passed in
//call the GetSize function to get the number form the user
int Size = 0;
Size = GetSize(Size);

//we have a valid size, process it

return (0);


//Prompt the user to enter a number (int) between 20 and 100 (inclusive).
int GetSize(int Size)
while (Size < 20 || Size > 100)
cout << endl;
cout << "What size do you want to generate (20 to 100)? ";
cin >> Size;

//here we will check to make sure we are in the range
if ( || Size < 20 && Size > 100)
//this clears the cin and what is in the buffer. If this is not cleared the program
//would continue in an infinite loop
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');

//here we notify the user they have given bad info
cout << endl << "invalid option. Please enter number between 20 and 100.";

//formatting console display
cout << endl << endl;

//return the value the user has given us

//this is used to avoid having to put it in multiple places
void DoWork(int Size)
//call the WriteData function to create data files provided by the user

//call the readData function to read in the data from the created files

//function used to write data to file
int WriteData(int Size)
//here we create an out stream writer and name it writeData
ofstream WriteData;

//here we tell the out of the stream writer to open a file named “numbers.txt”. If file does not exist it will be
//created. If it alreday exists it will be overwritten."numbers.txt");

//if problem opening or creating file, notify user
if (!WriteData)
cout << "Could not open/create text file for writing" << endl << endl;

return (1);

//here we create an outstream writer and name it WriteBinary
ofstream WriteBinary;

//here we tell the out stream writer to open a file named numbers.bin"numbers.bin", ios::out | ios::binary);

//if problem opening or creating file, notify user
if (!WriteBinary)
cout << "Could not open/create binary file for writing" << endl << endl;

return (2);

//Here we are seeding the random fuction with the time of the computer.

//this notifies the user we are going to begin writing the data to the files
cout << "Generating " << Size << " ints." << endl;
cout << "Start Writing Data to Files" << endl << endl;

//here we are creating a variable to store rand generated int
int Number;

//we will use this for loop to generate some rand data and store it in our Number variable
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
//generate random number between 0 and 99.
Number = (rand() * rand()) % 100;

//write this number to the console so the user can see what number has been generated
cout << Number << endl;

//this writes the number to the text file
WriteData << Number << endl;

//this writes to the binary file
WriteBinary.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&Number), sizeof(int));

//when the write loop has completed, we close our two files to prevent errors and data loss

int ReadData(int Size)
//creating two dynamic arrays to hold data and info read in from the files
int *TextReadArray = new int[Size];

//check to see if it was successful
if (TextReadArray == nullptr)
cout << endl << "---Memory not allocated for TextReadArray---" << endl << endl;

int *BinaryReadArray = new int[Size];

//check to see if it was successful
if (BinaryReadArray == nullptr)
cout << endl << "---Memory not allocated for BinaryReadArray---" << endl << endl;

//create stream reader name it ReadBinary
ifstream ReadText;

//here we point the stream reader to the file we created and open it"numbers.txt");

//check to see if it was successful
if (!ReadText)
cout << "Could not open text file for reading." << endl << endl;
//create stream reader name it ReadText
ifstream ReadBinary;

//here we point the stream reader to the file we created and open it"numbers.bin", ios::in | ios::binary);

//check to see if it was successful
if (!ReadBinary)
cout << "Could not open text file for reading." << endl << endl;

//tell the user to read back the data
cout << endl << "Begin reading data from files" << endl << endl;

//label our columns
cout << "Text" << "\t" << "Binary" << endl << endl;

for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
ReadText >> TextReadArray[i];*)&BinaryReadArray[i], sizeof(int));
cout << TextReadArray[i] << "\t" << BinaryReadArray[i] << endl;

cout << endl;


delete[] TextReadArray;
delete[] BinaryReadArray;
Must you create the list yourself? Can you use std::list instead?
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