[SOLVED] How to Package the Final Product?

I searched here before asking this to the Forum, and I found a few answers. I tried as they instructed, but my result was a flop.

IDE: Code::Blocks-20.04
Compiler: minGW-w64-8.1.0

I put together a small, frame-based GUI: 1 wxTextCtrl and 2 wxButtons. I built both a Debug and Release version, then copied the release .exe to a usb and opened it on another PC with no development tools on it. After the stuff I read here, I was sure the .exe would have all the files it needed to run, but it didn't. Five files, all DLLs, were missing. And they would probably call on other DLLs had they been present.

I missed the mark on this, somewhere. I use Lazarus a lot and know that everything gets tied up in the .exe file. So I was hoping it would be the same here. What more do I need to do?
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Even with Lazarus/FPC you must make sure to distribute dependencies with your application. The difference is that FPC makes your life a little easier in that regard than C and C++.

Get a dependency wallker to see what DLLs your application needs. Then package all the non-system ones with your exe.

I personally prefer Inno Setup for this. It is easy to use and wholly configurable.

Good luck!
Inno Setup is nice. I'm on YouTube, now, watching how to use it.

Thanks Duthomhas. Much appreciated.
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