Beginners - October 2021 (Page 4)

Copying more than one variable continuously to clipboard
Hi! I'm new to both C++ and this website, and I haven't yet explored advanced C++; I've just learned the basics of it, or at least I think they're sufficient, t...
[1 reply] : Get comfortable for a nice long read. (by salem c)
by Jhokuu
Extracting specific data without the rest in a .txt file
.txt file: Johnson 60 12.50 Aniston 65 13.25 Cooper 50 14.50 Gupta 70 14.75 Blair 55 10.50 Clark 40 18.75 Kennedy 45 20.50 Bronson 60 20.00 Sunny 65 18...
[2 replies] Last: Your second number is a double not an int. You don't have to ignore() ... (by againtry)
by Shizzy
Reading only numbers and not letters?
Hello beginner question, I had a similar problem before. I'm trying to get this program to not crash if a letter is entered instead of a number. Before I used c...
[5 replies] Last: Oops! I didn't read @OP's problem as thoroughly as I should. The input... (by againtry)
byte representation of program objects
Can someone help me with this topic " byte representation of program objects" using pointers in Cpp I dont know how to make it in cpp Thanks in advance
[1 reply] : Leo2505 (1) Can someone help me with this topic " byte representation ... (by jonnin)
Why is it not printing the names
I am trying to put information from a file into arrays but I am not getting it right. The data is not getting saved into any of the arrays. What am I missing to...
[3 replies] Last: (by againtry)
by jabeh
Overloaded Method
For an overloading method we have the method that have the same name, different number of parameters or argument but will the return type be same or not?
[11 replies] Last: I've encountered very similar ambiguities in practice and it's often a... (by mbozzi)
by vysero
Match everything after first occurance of a number
Hey guys, I have a bunch of std::string's of versions coming from a map: someProgram-Ver-1_11 someOtherProgram-Ver-2_13 anotherProgram-Ver-5_11 and I am tryin...
[16 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <map> #include <regex>... (by againtry)
c++ program that utilizes menu to print specific information from a weather data file
I have posted questions about this HW the other day, and I would like to know if I am going in the right direction with this program, it is next in sequence fro...
[9 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <... (by againtry)
Trying to format the data to be inline on the right side.
Hello, I'm just trying to format the output on the right to make it all inline. I am having a hard time getting that all aligned. /** * @file Salary.cpp ...
[17 replies] Last: I'm back. Now, where were we? (by againtry)
Ways of storing all possible variants of variables for a class
I am writing an RPG creator for an RPG tabletop game where each variable has an array of all possible values. Currently those variable arrays are stored as Glo...
[1 reply] : Was overthinking the problem. (by Elured42)
Put inputs into array
How do I make it to where the program takes 10 integers from user and puts them into this array? Thanks! #include<iostream> using namespace std; int m...
[1 reply] : 'std::cin' is the stream that receives user input. One possibility, a... (by Ganado)
Matching the value from input and value from a text file
Hello. I have a text file consisting of member data. I am developing a program where we can use the account number to match the account number in the program to...
[1 reply] : using getline you may get a stray space or anything else. equality me... (by jonnin)
Large data file hw assignment
I am stuck on a homework assignment where I filter out bad data flags that say -9999 from a massive weather data file, and create a new file from that, I omitte...
[14 replies] Last: When working with fixed fields, another approach is to work out the st... (by seeplus)
by jabeh
C++ Classes Program
#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; //Defintion of Dog Class class Dog { public: Dog(); //Constr...
[6 replies] Last: @lastchance okay thank you (by jabeh)
Questionnaire/Survey program with the use of if /else if/else statements
Hi I’m trying to figure how I would create a validation for the amount of no’s that are at least used more than 5 or more times and if the person does Say...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks so much definitely taking all these replies in account huge hel... (by DozoIki)
C++ hangman program (stuck on one problem) (1,2)
Goal: Create a Hangman program to guess a 5 letter word. More details: -Users gets 5 letter guesses, and 5 word guesses. -NO switches, loops, goto statements...
[22 replies] Last: Hey guys, sorry for getting back so late but I have found the solution... (by moosemb)
How to use additional Header and Implementation files in a project that already has a 'header-imp-class' configuration.
I have a project in which I have a normal c++ file for my main function and I have a header for declaring a class with its member functions and fields, and I ha...
[4 replies] Last: What is in the House.h? (by keskiverto)
Error Codes
Hello everyone, I am currently trying to work out a specific problem that I have been stuck on. The question is as follows: Design a flow chart algorithm to rea...
[3 replies] Last: What's the format of the file - provide a sample using output delimite... (by seeplus)
Recursion problem
Hi, I am having trouble having my code read the recursive search. If I enter above the limit it lets me know and I can try again or if I go below it does the s...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int search(int const* xs, int sz, int x) { ret... (by mbozzi)
Objects Classification
Hello guys. I am trying to edit the code that I have developed previously. After editing it, I have some problem with MOVIE movies; if (readStatus = R...
[2 replies] Last: What is L10 supposed to do? What does ReadFile() return? The loop L23... (by seeplus)
October 2021 Pages: 1234567
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