
Pages: 12
-the class vertex has to have 2 fields
1) a string for a key
2) a list of edges (it's a directed graph)

That makes perfect sense.

-the class that represents the graph itself has to have a map where the key is a Vertex which is mapped to a list of neighbors (I understood that to mean a list of Vertices which either has an edge to our Vertex or our Vertex has an edge to it)

That, on the other hand, does not make sense. Think about it. If a vertex stores a list of its edges, then why would a graph also have a list of neighbors (which are the vertices connected by edges)??

Can you post the text of the assignment? Maybe that will help to figure out what the data should be.

I don't think it's productive to continue working on the code when the data representation is bad. You might want to look at whatever else the assignment needs until we can get this resolved.

Here's the full instructions. It is definitely possible that I misunderstood it. If I did please let me know. Thanks

In this exercise, we would like to implement a system for making follow-up recommendations to
members of a discussion forum.
For this purpose, we will have a map for a string representing some writer X to a list of all the
writers that X follows (receives messages from).
Objective: It will be possible to give each writer the list of writers who follow him, and so it will
also be possible to give him recommendations for additional writers that he can follow.
Step A: Define the graph
We will define a class for a directed graph where each vertex in the graph contains a key of type
• Define a class Vertex, which contains a key (string type), which represents a member’s
name, a linked list of edges of other writers that s/he follows, and other details as needed.
• Define a class Edge, which contains pointers to the source and target vertices.
• Comment: Since there may be a cycle in these class definitions (a vertex uses an edge and an
edge uses a vertex), you may need to declare the edge class before the definition of the
vertex class.
For example, this is an illustration for what your classes for vertices and edges may look like.
class Vertex;
class Edge//this class represent a edge includes:two vertexes
Vertex* destination;
Edge(Vertex* destination);
bool operator==(Edge & v);
//this class represents a vertex includes:key ,list of his edges
enum Color {White,Gray,Black};
class Vertex
string Key;
Color color;
list<Edge> EdgeList;
Vertex(string key);
void adde(Edge);
int numOfNeighbours();
bool destinationExists(Vertex* v);
void print();
friend class Graph;

Define a class for a directed graph that will store all the vertices in the graph:
The graph will be implemented using a map of vertices, with each vertex having its own list of
The following methods must be defined for the graph:
• constructor: (initializes the graph to a graph).
• destructor
• Add a vertex to the graph.
• Delete a vertex and all edges that are incident (to or from) it.
• Add an edge to the graph (make sure you do not add an edge that already exists).
• Delete an edge.
• Given vertex v, print all vertices u that have an edge from v to u.
• Given vertex v, print all the vertices u that have an edge from u to v.
• Given vertex v, prints all vertices that are reachable from v.
• Print the entire graph.
• Additional methods as needed.
It is recommended that you check the previous implementation before moving on to the next part.
Part B: Implementing a system of message followers :
Write a main program that creates a graph for members of the discussion forum which allows the
following steps to be performed: (It is recommended you use the program posted in moodle).
A. Add a new writer to the discussion forum graph
B. Delete a writer - Including deleting all edges that are incident to and from the writer
C. Create an edge from X to Y to signify that writer X follows writer Y.
D. Delete an edge from X to Y to signify that writer X no longer follows writer Y .
E. Given writer X, print all the writers that X follows .
F. Given writer X, print all the writers that follow X.
G. Given writer X, print all the writers that have a path from X to them.
H. Print the entire discussion forum.
I. Exit the system
Good Luck!

I actually did it based on your method in the end.
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Pages: 12