Visual Studio Question

When I'm editing .cpp and other types of files using *other tools*, Visual Studio frequently starts up even though it was not asked to. It apparently sets up an OS "hook" to examine all command lines and starts up whenever the heck it feels like it, not when I want it to.

I've checked VS settings to no avail. Is there a way to stop this incredibly annoying behavior? I'm using Visual Studio Community 2017, and the About dialog says it's version 15.9.26.



p.s. The Preview function on posts seems not to work. That's

if this is windows you can delete it many ways; one of the easy ones is to shift right click and try "open with" then change the default (its a checkbox) to always use the other program.

To get rid of it from opening in anything you need to edit the registry I think to unregister it. Tools can do this, including one in windows, but I forget where .... probably in the programs section eg add/remove area?
Thanks, that helped. i got visual studio out of the "open with" list and it seems to have helped. I'll consider messing with the registry later, if needed.

Thanks again,

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